Corporate/Individual Coaching
Developmental Coaching is the Next Level
A more advanced alternative to performance-based coaching.
In this model, change is brought about by modifying actions and behaviors through a heavy focus on the client’s inner game.
The inner game goes beyond the external actions and behaviors to look at mindset, emotions, beliefs, and the framework of personality governing those things.
Developmental coaching affects change from the inside, compared to performance coaching which primarily changes the outside only.
If you want to create a lasting change, you need to change your inner game because it is your inner game that drives your outer game.

Developmental coaching is about changing your beliefs and the framework of personality that governs the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are disabling you.
Let’s look at the example that people often seek coaching for, which is the fear of public speaking.
If your relationship to others is one that is based on fear of judgment and a fear of speaking up, your inner game is going to affect your outer game, preventing you from giving your best when delivering a speech.
Your internal framework will be looking for judgments that are not there, and no amount of behavior change, or practicing will change this.
You may very well have all of the skills necessary to deliver an incredible speech, but you are so frightened that you cannot perform.
The issue, in this case, is not the ability to speak in public; it is your relationship to it.
Adapting Your Framework for Lasting Change
In-house Developmental Coaching on demand is the way to promote creativity, breakthrough performance and resilience, giving organizations a competitive edge and an effective way to flow and operate within and environment of continuous change.
Coaching is an intervention that complements medication and other non-pharmacologic alternatives. As a specialty within the broader field of coaching, ADHD coaching is a practical intervention that specifically targets the core impairments of ADHD such as planning, time management, goal setting, organization and problem solving.
What is ADHD coaching?
ADHD coaches work collaboratively with their clients who have ADHD or ADHD- like symptoms to address specific needs and personal goals.
Most current ADHD coaching programs acknowledge the biological underpinnings of the disorder in addressing the core symptoms of ADHD (inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity); however, coaching addresses the academic, vocational, emotional and interpersonal life difficulties that are a result of these symptoms and helps clients find ways to overcome these challenges.
Through individualized support, coaches help people concentrate on where they are now, where they want to be and how they can get there.
A coach helps people with ADHD carry out the practical activities of daily life in an organized, goal-oriented and timely fashion. In close partnership, an ADHD coach helps the client learn practical skills and initiate change in his or her daily life.
Research on coaching
The majority of coaching studies have investigated its impact on college students and adults.
Although limited in number, these studies have found consistent results. Overall, college students who received individual coaching were found to develop better executive functioning skills and self-determination skills.
Those receiving coaching engage in more positive thoughts and behaviors, such as taking greater responsibility for their actions, using goal-attainment skills, modulating emotions, managing stress effectively and increasing positive expectations for performance.
They also reported improved study skills and learning strategies, such as time management and effective ways to improve concentration. Study participants also reported increased self-awareness, self-esteem, and satisfaction with school and work.
How is coaching different from traditional interventions?
An individual with ADHD may engage in coaching and/ or may seek therapy for their concerns.
Most coaching is based on principles found in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Both coaching and CBT often use the following elements: goal setting, prioritization, motivation, organizational skills, planning and scheduling, problem solving, stress management, impulse control, confidence and self-esteem building, relationships and communication skills, memory improvement and homework activities.
However, coaching is viewed as a wellness model and not designed to help a client heal or deal with psychological barriers to growth.
Coaching is more likely to focus on practical daily living issues as well as forming habits for a balanced, healthy lifestyle such as finances, maintaining a home, nutrition, exercise and sleep.
In contrast, CBT will more likely include issues of emotional regulation and direct treatment of co-morbid conditions such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.
Since Mrs. Bilis is also a Licensed Professional Counselor, she can do both if needed.